About us

Beta Bee is a small business based in the heart of Suffolk specialising in handmade products inspired by our main love and passion - beekeeping.

Our products are natural, plastic free, organic where possible and have minimal environmental impact. Our labels and printing are non-virgin and recyclable.

At present these products include Suffolk honey, beeswax lip balms and handmade soaps,

We intend to launch beekeeping experiences as soon as Covid-19 allows, which will give us an opportunity to share our passion with the wider community and hopefully raise awareness of the plight facing pollinators.

We firmly believe in supporting and working with local businesses and suppliers. Living in Suffolk makes this very easy - we are very lucky to be surrounded by fantastic people and inspirational small businesses. If you are a local business wanting to work with us we have guidance here.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website.

